Agriculture is at the heart of NDSU and the region. A modern Agricultural Products Development Center (APDC) will provide greater opportunities for learning and research at North Dakota State University. By expanding and enhancing research and completing the gate to plate approach to product development, we’ll ensure our researchers have the tools they need to continue advancing agriculture in North Dakota and the region by finding new uses, better uses, and more complete uses of agricultural products.

Current Donors to Agricultural Products and Development Center
AgCountry Farm Credit Services
American Crystal Sugar Company
Carol F. and Bernard Goodman
Dave and Aileen Clough
Farm Credit Services of Mandan
Farm Credit Services of ND
Jeffrey and Anne Peltier
Keith and Cathy Peltier
ND Barley Council
ND Corn Council
ND Grain Growers Association
ND Soybean Council
ND Stockmen’s Association
ND Wheat Commission
Norma K. Peltier
Peltier Farm Partnership
Pioneer Hi – Bred Intnl Inc
Traill County Crop Improvement Association
US Durum Growers