NDSU Foundation Magazine Launches Editorial Board

Fargo, N.D. — Through philanthropy and volunteerism, alumni, benefactors, and friends advance the mission of North Dakota State University in many transformative ways.

Now, a group of NDSU supporters is working with the NDSU Foundation Magazine, a biannual publication whose mission is sharing impact-forward stories to inspire and engage.

This group of supporters is taking part in the inaugural NDSU Foundation Magazine editorial board to bring new perspectives to its pages and to help share the story of NDSU with a broader audience.

“The members of the editorial board bring expertise and excellence in the areas of business and industry; higher education; writing, communications, and marketing; videography; and art,” Micaela Gerhardt, editor of the NDSU Foundation Magazine, said. “We’re excited to work together to elevate the impact of incredible stories shared by the NDSU community.”

In addition to NDSU Foundation team members, the editorial board includes:

  • Sarah Coomber | Writing Coach, Communications Consultant, and Author
  • Dave Goodin ’83 | Executive Governing Board Chair, NDSU Foundation Trustees and Retired President and CEO, MDU Resources Group
  • Prakash Mathew ’76, ’21 | Author, Speaker, and Consultant and Retired Vice President for Student Affairs, NDSU
  • Heidi Reisenauer | Vice President of Creative and Studio, Flint Group
  • Jessica Wachter ’09 | Artist and NDSU Foundation Trustee

As experts in their respective fields, the editorial board members will provide creative and strategic support; insights on industry standards and trends; and authentic and meaningful outreach efforts on behalf of the NDSU Foundation Magazine.

Additionally, this inaugural group will help shape and define what it means to serve as a member of the editorial board.

Find the latest NDSU Foundation Magazine edition and read stories online at www.NDSUFoundation.com/magazine.

If you would like to receive future editions of the NDSU Foundation Magazine, please update your contact information.


The NDSU Foundation builds enduring relationships that maximize advocacy and philanthropy to support North Dakota State University. 


Bethany Hardwig  
Vice President of Alumni and Donor Connections  
NDSU Foundation  