North Dakota Corn Utilization
North Dakota Soybean Council
North Dakota Wheat Commission

The Partner in Excellence Award recognizes a corporation, foundation, or organization that has given significant support as well as demonstrated inspirational philanthropic giving in the University.

As the state’s land-grant university, NDSU serves as a hub of innovation and education in agriculture, and three key organizations — the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council, North Dakota Soybean Council, and North Dakota Wheat Commission — share a profound commitment to advancing agricultural progress through their philanthropic support of the University. Each organization brings unique contributions while collectively fostering research, education, and market development that strengthen North Dakota’s agricultural legacy. 

The North Dakota Corn Utilization Council (NDCUC) focuses on advancing corn utilization through research, education, and market development, with NDSU playing an indispensable role. As a land-grant university, NDSU is a vital partner in addressing the challenges of northern corn production, collaborating on research projects in agronomy, livestock, and value-added products for corn and its co-products. 

Philanthropic investment in NDSU facilities underscores the NDCUC’s commitment to education and innovation. Notable contributions include support for the Peltier Complex, a cutting-edge facility that enhances teaching, research and outreach in agricultural product development, as well as backing for the Bolley Agricultural Laboratory.  

Additionally, the organization has championed animal agriculture through its role in the North Dakota Livestock Alliance and its funding of NDSU’s future swine research and education facilities, further expressing the organization’s passion for supporting future students and professionals. 

“The future of NDSU is important to the future of the state and the health and vitality of the state’s agricultural community,” NDCUC Chairman Carson Klosterman said. 

The NDCUC’s collaborative spirit also extends to global market development, where it works alongside international partners to create opportunities for corn producers. Through its enduring partnership with NDSU, the NDCUC not only enhances agricultural productivity but also strengthens the University’s ability to educate future leaders in agriculture. 

The North Dakota Soybean Council (NDSC), a farmer-led and farmer-funded organization, is dedicated to fostering innovation and expanding partnerships, markets, and opportunities to ensure the success of North Dakota soybean growers. The board of farmer-leaders strategically invests farmer checkoff dollars in research and initiatives directly benefiting soybean producers. In alignment with NDSU’s cutting-edge agricultural research and extension programs, the NDSC invests in critical areas such as soybean breeding, pest and weed management, disease control, and sustainable farming practices. These farmer-driven investments have significantly contributed to the dramatic increase in North Dakota’s soybean production since 1980, establishing the state as a leader in U.S. soybean production. Furthermore, the NDSC’s commitment to soy innovations has expanded market opportunities, enabling farmers to plant and harvest high-quality crops, boost profitability, and sustain rural communities and families.  

 The NDSC is committed to investing soybean checkoff dollars into initiatives that benefit farmers and their communities. At NDSU, this commitment is reflected in significant contributions to key infrastructure projects, including the Peltier Complex, the Jack Dalrymple Agricultural Research Complex, and the Center for Trading and Risk in Barry Hall. Additionally, the NDSC sponsors scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students, fostering the education and development of future agricultural leaders who will continue to drive innovation and growth in the industry.  

“The North Dakota Soybean Council values its partnership with NDSU, which enhances its ability to drive innovation, promote sustainability, and advance education,” said NDSC Chairman Jim Thompson. “Together, these efforts strengthen North Dakota’s agricultural economy and support the success of the state’s soybean farmers.”  

As the state’s first producer-funded agricultural checkoff organization, the North Dakota Wheat Commission (NDWC) has a long history of collaboration with NDSU, dating back nearly seven decades. This enduring partnership has propelled advancements in wheat research, including plant genetics, pathology, soil science, risk management, and precision agriculture. The NDWC’s commitment to NDSU has been instrumental in the development of North Dakota’s globally renowned durum and hard red spring wheat elite-quality brand, developed through groundbreaking work in NDSU’s cereal science department and its overseas market development teams. 

The NDWC has also been a key advocate for a variety of infrastructure projects at NDSU, including lead and matching funding for the Northern Crops Institute, the Jack Dalrymple Agricultural Research Complex, and the Peltier Complex. These investments ensure that NDSU remains at the forefront of agricultural research, education, and promotion, benefiting North Dakota wheat producers and the broader agricultural industry. 

The NDCUC, NDSC, and NDWC share a common purpose: advancing North Dakota’s agricultural future through their strong ties to NDSU. Their support enhances the University’s research capabilities, educational infrastructure, and outreach programs, creating a lasting impact on the state’s agricultural economy. 

These organizations not only empower today’s producers but also inspire and educate future generations of agricultural leaders. Together, they exemplify the power of philanthropy in driving innovation, fostering sustainability, and ensuring the enduring success of North Dakota agriculture.